Page 31 of articles about market prices
Prices below production costs
In our sector we know well that if Germany sneezes the whole of Europe catches a cold. Last Wednesday the prices dropped by €0.04 in Germany…
United Kingdom: Total Income from Farming 2013 – 2nd estimate
Spain: the foreign food and agriculture trade is one of the pillars of the economic recovery
France: the production of pork remains stable since the beginning of 2014
Pork industry metric used for over 100 years flashes a danger sign!
Just like the emergent molten lava from Mount Kilauea, so an historical metric of the US hog industry, having lay dormant for many years, is creeping ever so slowly over its profit destroying "trigger" level. That metric is the hog corn ratio.
Firm ground at last?
Europe as a whole has a flat depressive profile with the prices in the minimum levels of the last three years.
InterPIG 2013: clear leadership position of the Spanish pig sector
Ministers meet at FAO to discuss role of commodity markets
FAO: Good harvests and ample stockpiles continue to drive international food prices down
Philippines: DA moves to ensure pork and chicken supply for the Holidays
FAO food price index drops to four-year low
USA: First chilled pork shipment exported to Colombia
Resisting is winning
During July Germany has made a strong challenge that is difficult to process for the whole of Europe.