Page 245 of articles about markets-economics in Swine news

Austria - Slight decrease in swine stocks

Swine stocks were recorded on the reference date of 1 December 2009 and yielded a total figure of 3 137 000 animals. This corresponds to a 0.5% decrease in stocks compared to the date of the last census in June 2009.

Spain – Increase in Iberian ham exports

Exports of quality Iberian ham increased during 2009 by a little over 10% and the product was commercialized in 90 countries in five continents, this was equivalent to 200,000 Iberian hams being exported from Spain last year.

Japan - Pork exports to Hong Kong resume

Pork exports to Hong Kong have resumed after being suspended due to the discovery last month of foot-and-mouth disease in pigs and cows in Miyazaki Prefecture, the agriculture ministry said.

European Union - Employment in the agriculture sector down by 25% between 2000 and 2009 Real income generated per worker up by 5%

Between 2000 and 2009, employment in the agricultural sector in the EU27 decreased by 25%, the equivalent of 3.7 million full-time jobs1. It fell by 17% in the EU152 and by 31% in the 12 Member States (NMS122) that joined the EU in 2004 and 2007. In 2009, employment in the agricultural sector was equivalent to 11.2 million full-time jobs in the EU27, of which 5.4 million were in the EU15 and 5.8 million in the NMS12. Between 2000 and 2009, real agricultural income3 per worker increased by 5% on average in the EU27, although the change differed significantly between the NMS12 (+61%) and the EU15 (-10%).

USA - New withdrawal times help maintain pork exports

Recently, a new pork trade certificate with Russia has been negotiated. This certificate sets guidelines for U.S. packers that are exporting pork to Russia. The Russian Product Verification Program is a program to verify compliance with the Russian tetracycline standard.

EESC puts forward proposals to improve the CAP

In the latest wave of EESC opinions on the upcoming revamping of Europe's agricultural policy, including Mr. Lutz Ribbe's (Various Interests Group, Germany) opinion adopted at the March plenary, two members argued for preserving the European way of food production and raising awareness of consumers about the benefits of buying European food products.

Hog cash receipts down 10% in 2009

According to USDA’s annual Meat Animals Production, Disposition, and Income report released this week, 2009 gross income from cattle and calves, hogs and pigs, and sheep and lambs for the U.S. totaled $59.0 billion, down 10 percent from 2008. Total 2009 cash receipts from marketings of meat animals decreased 10 percent to $58.6 billion.

European Union – Slight decrease in the European swine population

The latest available figures for the number of pigs in the European Union show a decrease of 0.7% in the EU-24. The countries that have suffered the biggest decreases are: Czech Republic (-10,4%), Sweden (-5,1%), Romania (-4,5%), Hungary (4%) and Spain (-3,8%). Countries such as Denmark (5,6%), Holland (3,2%) and Austria (2,4%) have experienced an increase in the swine population.