Page 150 of articles about markets-economics
Argentina: Analysis for the expansion of pork exports
Spain: meat production in the first trimester of 2018.
Brazil: Resumption of the pig sector activity after the drivers' strike
Mexico is evaluating the possibility of other pork suppliers at the expense of the USA.
Mexico imposes tariffs to USA pork
EU budget: the Common Agricultural Policy beyond 2020
Spanish pig price: Unstable balance or recurring shivers
Every week a new price is set that reflects a momentary and unstable but necessary and essential balance.
Vietnam pig prices appreciate
Russia forbids the entry of Romanian pork
Argentina has been internationally recognised as a Classical Swine Fever-free country
Modernising the CAP: satellite data authorised to replace on-farm checks
Your slaughterhouse is determining your future
Being a high performing farm is not a sufficient condition to future success.