Page 167 of articles about markets-economics
Mexico: agriculture and livestock production in 2016
Pig production increases in Russia
Vietnam: MARD urges husbandry firms to save pig farms
Russia wants to continue to grow its pig industry and become a net exporter
For good farmers, pigs continue to be very profitable, but for many not! Some are even losing money (incredible though it seems).
Brazil: the pork exports decrease for the second consecutive month
Australia: pork consumption outlook
Brazil: UE veterinary inspectors visit establishments and Superintendences.
Are the price signposts changing?
Continued emergence of producer owned packing is setting up a new closed market channel which may evolve its own pricing structures which take it farther and farther from the common, historical patterns.
Philippines: As pork prices rise, DA to allow import of 7-M kilos of pork
High participation in the public consultation on the future Common Agricultural Policy
The FAO Meat Price Index rose
Russian pig production was the livestock sector with the highest growth in 2016
Australian sow herd to expand
Unbeatable expectations
The Spanish market has taken a rest for Easter, but the rises will go on.