Page 185 of articles about markets-economics
FAO Food Price Index rises in August
Decrease in the Danish pig census
Important decrease in the Ukrainian pork exports
Commissioner Hogan welcomes the Cork Declaration on the future of rural areas
Further improvement in EU agri-food trade figures
Major suppliers of pork meat to India
New prices in pig333: Romania, Russia and Mexico
We know that you show great interest in knowing international pig prices. This summer we have added three new countries: Romania, Russia and Mexico.
Surfing completed, the drop starts
The Spanish pig price chart in August has been completely flat. We are expecting a bear, but not catastrophic, trend in September.
EU wins a WTO dispute on Russian pork ban
Evolution of the EU pork exports in the last 10 years
Surfing on the crest of the wave
The Spanish price will still exceed €1.30/kg whilst the supply remains restricted. The battle will be held in September, and it will all depend on the foreign markets.
The Beginning of the End of Euphoric Globalism
The success of the Brexit movement to force the exit of UK from the European Union demonstrates the limits of globalism, which for many has become a kind of euphoric synonym for innovation, increased efficiency and low cost