Page 197 of articles about markets-economics
U.S. farm sector profitability weakens considerably in 2015 from recent 2013 peak
Ireland: payments for the dairy and pig sectors
US COOL: WTO authorized Canada and Mexico to impose retaliatory tariffs
France: rejection of the tax on abattoirs
Exchange Rates are front and center for 2016
When global supplies of pork are large, as they are now, the name of the game for major production areas is growing net exports.
EU agri-food exports still at record level
France intends to impose a tax on slaughterhouses to help farmers in crisis
Commission approves joint venture between Danish Crown and Westfleisch
Germany: Meat production down in the third quarter of 2015
More than half of the Chilean pig production is exported
Pigmeat production is expected to expand by less than 2% by 2025
Heartbreaking descent into hell
It has been years since we last saw such a risky price and situation.