Page 220 of articles about markets-economics
Poland is the sixth food producer in the EU
Czech Republic: number of slaughtered pigs decreased
Feed Conversion Ratio: the new economics
The next time you hear someone over lunch tell you the value of a tenth improvement in FCR, unless they are drawing a distribution on your napkin, tell them you don’t run an average pig business so you are not interested in their average values.
FAO Outlook 2014: world meat production is anticipated to grow modestly in 2014
Russia cancels temporarily the importation of live pigs and pork from Latvia
FAO: Weather and political tensions impact food markets but cereal stocks remain adequate
Rabobank: ongoing PEDv to have material impact on pork supply
China: Denmark allowed to export cooked pork
April gives reasons for optimism, and May should confirm it
The Spanish price will rise until well into summer, and the range of the rise will depend on Europe.