Page 235 of articles about markets-economics
United States: CME lean hogs alternative final settlement methodology
FAO calls on countries to adapt to food price volatility
Spain: increase of the pig meat exports in 2012
European Union: the decline in pig slaughterings could be more pronounced in the second part of 2013
United Kingdom launches Food and Drink Action Plan
Brazil negotiates with Argentina the increase in the pig meat exports
For the moment, things are getting tough in Spain
In September Spain has started a downward trend spiral. The livestock supply is very high, and the maximum activity of the abattoirs cannot even absorb it.
Brazil: the CIAS publishes the swine production costs monthly
France: strengthening of the relationships with Russia with respect to the main agriculture and food sectors
New section: Swine markets commentary
A new section has started in pig333. From now and monthly, international experts will offer us their points of view on the pork markets.