Page 256 of articles about markets-economics

Brazil - Decrease in pork exportations

Throughout the month of March, Brazilian pork exportations decreased by 11,60% with respect to the same month last year, going from 50,111 tons to 44,299 tons. In terms of value, the decrease was 1.70%, going from 119.50 million dollars in March 2010 to 117.47 million in March of this year.

Austria –Increase in swine slaughter

Throughout 2010 the number of pigs slaughtered in commercial slaughterhouses reached 5,577,579 animals, which represents a slight increase of approximately 0.7% with respect to the year before, during which a total of de 5,537,389 animals were slaughtered.

European Union - EU countries should be able to ban GMOs on environmental grounds

MEPs from the Environment Committee voted to allow EU countries to ban or restrict the use of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) on environmental grounds, giving them better legal protection in the event of challenges from trading partners opposed to a ban. "Our proposal offers states a solid, legal basis," said French Liberal Corinne Lepage, Parliament's draftswoman for the rules.

Nutreco starts research partnership in China

Nutreco starts a research partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture Feed Industry Centre (MAFIC) of China. The MAFIC institute is part of the China Agricultural University in Beijing, which is China's leading university on animal nutrition.

USMEF: Pork exports grow in volume, value through February

For the month of February, 27 percent of U.S. pork production was sold outside of the United States with the incremental value of exports reaching $51.48 per head – versus 25.2 percent and $43.81 last year. Total pork exports jumped 15 percent in value and 8 percent in volume versus February 2010 totals.

China opens up its market to Brazilian pork

In a meeting held last Monday, April 11th in Beijing, the Chinese Minister of the Quality, Inspection and Quarantine , Zhi Shuping, informed the Brazilian Minister of Agriculture, Wagner Rossi, of the initial approval of three Brazilian meat processing plants to export pork to China. The approval comes only 5 months after the Chinese mission to Brazil to inspect 13 slaughterhouses.

Agreement with Peru provides opportunities for Mexican pig producers

In signing the Peru – Mexico Comercial Integration Agreement, the Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fishing and Food, Francisco Mayorga Castañeda from México and his Peruvian counterpart, Rafael Quevedo Flores, agreed on the mutual importance of the agreement which will reactivate the commercial Exchange of complementary products, in a setting where the sectors small and midsized business can potentially participate and grow.