Page 278 of articles about markets-economics

Netherlands - Insufficient compensation for agriculture

For the Dutch agricultural sector, 2009 was a bad year economically. Production increased slightly, but most primary agriculture market prices fell. The average agricultural income decreased to 5,500 euros per farm, its lowest point in twenty years.

Ukraine: Meat production increases

During January-July 2010, the production of all types of meat increased by 6.7% compared with last year’s figures. The volumes of meat production in live weight totalled 1571 thousand tons. As of July 31 swine population stands at 8 million 374 thousand heads, a figure that represents a 12.7% increase with respect to last year.

Germany - Meat production up by 4,1%

In the first half of 2010, well above 3.9 million tonnes of meat were produced commercially in Germany; that was 4.1% or 153,900 tonnes more than in the first half of 2009.