Page 283 of articles about markets-economics

Mexico announces reliable importer program for meat and poultry

On May 28, 2010, Mexico published in the Diario Oficial (Federal Register) a new Reliable Importer Program for meat and poultry imports. This voluntary program will allow shipments of imported meat and poultry to forego sanitary inspection at the border, and instead be inspected at the destination, reducing logistical bottlenecks at border inspection points.

Ireland - Farm Incomes Fall 30 per cent in 2009

New farm income figures published show the difficulties on farms last year. The average family farm income in 2009 was €11,968, down by 30 per cent on 2008. That’s according to the Teagasc National Farm Survey published Tuesday, 8 June. This decline comes on top of a 13.7 per cent drop in incomes in 2008 bringing the overall decline in family farm income to 40 per cent since 2007.

FAO - International prices of agricultural commodities drop

International prices of key food staples have dropped during the first five months of 2010 according to the latest edition of FAO's biannual Food Outlook report. Despite recent drops in international food prices, the cost of the average food basket is 69 percent higher than six years ago.