Page 291 of articles about markets-economics

EU and South Korea sign free trade deal

EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht, the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs Steven Vanackere representing the Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU), and the Korean Minister for Trade Kim Jong-hoon today signed a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the EU and South Korea. This FTA is the most ambitious trade agreement ever negotiated by the EU and the first with an Asian country.

United Kingdom - Pork sales still on the up

Pork is firmly fixed as a family favourite with sales continuing to rise according to the latest figures from BPEX. During August the total meat market rose by one per cent while sales of fresh pork saw a dramatic rise of 11 per cent.

Spain – Increase in pork exports

According to information from commercial exchanges within the livestock farmers sector, the exportations, both within the EU as well as in other countries, show an upward trend.