Page 292 of articles about markets-economics

Jamaica - Improved deal for pig farmers

Agriculture and Fisheries Minister Dr Christopher Tufton is hopeful that a new concessionary loan programme for pig farmers will over time help to reverse a projected "slight dip" in pork production this year.

FAO - Food price volatility a major threat to food security

Experts from more than 75 FAO Member States agreed today that while there were no grounds for complacency, there was no indication of an impending world food crisis. They proposed exploring new measures to check food price volatility and manage associated risks.

European Union - Situation of the cereals markets: Stabilisation measures

The Polish delegation has informed the Council on the consequences of the price increase of cereals on animal production, in particular pig production. Poland would like the Commission to take actions such as selling cereals from intervention stocks and increasing intervention prices in the framework of the Single Common Market Organisation regulation.

USA - Hog inventory down 3 percent

U.S. inventory of all hogs and pigs on September 1, 2010 was 65.0 million head. This was down 3 percent from September 1, 2009 but up 1 percent from June 1, 2010.

Media attention to animal welfare has negative impact on meat demand

As a whole, media attention to animal welfare has significant, negative effects on U.S. meat demand, according to a new analysis by Kansas State University. The study’s results are based on an extensive search of top U.S. newspapers and magazines used to develop indices reflecting public information on animal welfare that U.S. consumers received from 1982 to 2008.

Canada – Hog production forecast down

Hog production for 2011 is forecast at 27.4 million head, down 2.1 percent compared to the estimated 28 million head in 2010 which was down 4.4 percent compared to 2009. Slaughter is forecast at 20.8 million hogs in 2011, down 2.1 percent from 2010. A lower pig crop in 2010 has resulted in lower slaughter numbers. Continued lower hog exports translated into more domestic slaughter, estimated at 21.25 million head in 2010. Mirroring reduced slaughter in Canada, pork production is forecast at 1.725 MMT for 2011, or a further decline of 1.4 percent from the 1.75 MMT estimated for 2010.