Page 302 of articles about markets-economics

Appointment in SKOV Asia Ltd.

Joergen Moeller Andersen (46) has been appointed Climate and Production Specialist of SKOV Asia Ltd. with responsibility for project sales of SKOV systems for customers in the entire region.

European Union - Temporary Finnish scheme to grant limited amounts of aid to farmers approved

The European Commission authorised a Finnish scheme with a budget of €22 million which aims at supporting farmers in Finland who encounter difficulties as a result of the current economic crisis. Aid under this scheme can be granted until 31 December 2010 and will take the form of a direct grant. This scheme is a further application of the Commission's Temporary framework for State aid measures to support access to finance in the current financial and economic crisis, as amended end of October 2009 in order to allow Member States to grant limited amounts of aid to primary agricultural producers.

China initiates 3rd round of pork reserves

The Ministry of Commerce, together with the Ministry of Finance, National Development and Reform Commission and Agricultural Development Bank recently launched a new round of pork reserves, aimed at stabilizing domestic pork prices and securing the interests of pig farmers.

Spain - Increase in the value of meat exports

According to the latest report published by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade on exports from Spanish industry during the first quarter of the year, the sales from the meat sector reached 752.6 million euros (11% of the total), a figure that is 5.3% higher than that registered for the same period of the previous year.

Wang Rulin headed for Singapore to promote the Cooperation Food Zone Project

At the invitation of the Singapore Minister for National Development Ma Baoshan, to comprehensively promote economic and trade cooperation between Jilin province and Singapore, especially the China Jilin (Singapore) new agricultural cooperative food zone project, Governor Wang Rulin led the Jilin Province delegation to arrive in Singapore on May 19 and began the 4-day visit.

Novus International, Inc. Acquires IQF-ENAMEX

Novus International, Inc. announced today that it has acquired IQF-ENAMEX and its sister company, Operadora ENAMEX, both based in Córdoba, Mexico from Grupo Porres and other shareholders. IQF- ENAMEX produces feed carotenoid pigments, mineral and vitamin premixes, anti-caking agents and mold inhibitors.