Page 304 of articles about markets-economics

USA - New withdrawal times help maintain pork exports

Recently, a new pork trade certificate with Russia has been negotiated. This certificate sets guidelines for U.S. packers that are exporting pork to Russia. The Russian Product Verification Program is a program to verify compliance with the Russian tetracycline standard.

VIV Europe 2010 made the best out of a turbulent situation

The Icelandic volcanic ashes did not only seriously disrupt the air traffic over Europe. It also brought VIV Europe 2010, from 20 – 22 April, in a turbulent situation, as many of the expected visitors –especially from the Middle East, Russia and Asia- were depending on air traffic to reach Holland. Nevertheless over 10,000 visitors from 96 countries all over the world made it to the Jaarbeurs Utrecht venue to meet with 85% of the total expected field of exhibitors. Organizer VNU Exhibitions Europe: “This is a great example of the industry’s solidarity.”

EESC puts forward proposals to improve the CAP

In the latest wave of EESC opinions on the upcoming revamping of Europe's agricultural policy, including Mr. Lutz Ribbe's (Various Interests Group, Germany) opinion adopted at the March plenary, two members argued for preserving the European way of food production and raising awareness of consumers about the benefits of buying European food products.

Hog cash receipts down 10% in 2009

According to USDA’s annual Meat Animals Production, Disposition, and Income report released this week, 2009 gross income from cattle and calves, hogs and pigs, and sheep and lambs for the U.S. totaled $59.0 billion, down 10 percent from 2008. Total 2009 cash receipts from marketings of meat animals decreased 10 percent to $58.6 billion.

European Union – Slight decrease in the European swine population

The latest available figures for the number of pigs in the European Union show a decrease of 0.7% in the EU-24. The countries that have suffered the biggest decreases are: Czech Republic (-10,4%), Sweden (-5,1%), Romania (-4,5%), Hungary (4%) and Spain (-3,8%). Countries such as Denmark (5,6%), Holland (3,2%) and Austria (2,4%) have experienced an increase in the swine population.

Austria - European Commission authorises temporary Austrian scheme to grant limited amounts of aid of up to €15,000 to farmers

The European Commission authorised an Austrian scheme with a budget of approximately €1.2 million which aims at supporting farmers in Austria who encounter difficulties as a result of the current economic crisis. Aid under this scheme can be granted until 31 December 2010 and will take the form of direct grants, interest rate subsidies, subsidised loans and subsidised guarantees.

European Union - Commission authorises Bulgaria to grant limited amounts of aid in the agricultural sector

The European Commission authorised a Bulgarian scheme with a budget of BGN 20 million (approximately € 10,26 million) which aims at supporting agricultural holdings active in the primary production, marketing and processing of agricultural products who encounter difficulties as a result of the current economic crisis. Aid under this scheme can be granted until 31 December 2010 and will take the form of a direct grant.

Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health opens state-of-the-art vaccine manufacturing facility at Biosciences Center Boxmeer

Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health announces that it will open today a state-of-the-art production center for veterinary vaccines against bacterial infections. The new facility is located at Biosciences Center Boxmeer, one of the world’s largest veterinary R&D and manufacturing facilities and a cornerstone of the company’s global vaccine R&D and production network.