Page 316 of articles about markets-economics

Biogas growth predicted

About 760 biogas plants will be connected to the German national electricity grid in 2009 — three times the number in 2007 — according to estimates by the German Biogas Association. This is around 100 times more than exist in the UK.

Japan - Normalized imports of pig meat from Chile

The Japanese government has authorized the entry of all pig meat from Chile from last Friday 17 April. This step assumes the overcoming of the case of contamination with dioxins that affected the swine industry in 2008. (Original in Spanish. Read Google translation here).

DuPont Leader: Agriculture is Up to Global Productivity Challenge

Science will enable farmers to produce enough grain to meet the growing demand for food, biofuels and materials if public and private agriculture enterprises, regulators and policymakers from around the globe take a more holistic approach to the solution, William S. Niebur, vice president – DuPont Crop Genetics Research and Development, said here today.