Page 6 of articles about meat-quality
Evaluating dietary Vitamin B2 by-product in growing-finishing pigs
USA: Eliminating unnecessary requirements for hog carcass cleaning
Effect of short-term over-dosing finisher pig’s dietary Met on pork quality
Brian Sullivan: Follow the fat to improve meat quality
Fat may be the most important component of pork that we should be considering for improvement of meat quality. The money is following the fat if you consider our current markets for pork and if you consider which parts of the hog are most valuable today.
The effects of creatine monohydrate and guanidinoacetic acid supplementation in finishing pigs
Food safety: more transparency, better risk prevention
EU: salmonellosis and campylobacteriosis remained stable, listeriosis continues to rise
The number of reported cases of salmonellosis and campylobacteriosis has remained stable over the past five years, although listeriosis continues to rise.
Effect of arginine and leucine on performance and carcass characteristics in finishing pigs
The northern lights, beloved by the Chinese, will add momentum to sales of highly valued Finnish pork meat at supermarkets in Shanghai
Omega-3 Pork® from Finnish family-owned farms will soon be sold to highly demanding Chinese consumers in packages portraying the Nordic Arctic and the magical northern lights. The new premium packages continue to build Finland’s rising image in Chinese markets.
Effects of feeding different protein levels on meat quality in growing-finishing pigs
Effects of feeding enzymatically digested food waste to growing-finishing pigs on meat quality
Withdrawing of high-fiber ingredients before marketing in finishing pigs
Impact of feeding corn distillers dried grains with solubles on pork fat quality
Feeding corn DDGS diets to growing-finishing pigs can substantially reduce feed cost while maintaining growth performance, but it reduces carcass pork fat firmness. How to solve it?