EU: Public consultation on food labelling
This proposal to revise EU rules on the information provided to consumers is part of the EU’s ‘farm-to-fork’ strategy.
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Pig health: news and articles on PRRS, PCV2, biosecurity, etc, Pig disease guide, atlas of pathology, clinical cases…
Biocheck.UGent is an independent, risk-based, scientific scoring system for assessing the quality of your on-farm biosecurity.
A visual and practical step-by-step guide on how to perform a necropsy on a pig.
All the information about ASF: how to recognize the disease, how it is transmitted, pictures of lesions, latest news, guides, etc.
Description of the most important diseases and conditions in pigs
Images of major swine diseases
Pig disease diagnostic tool
Definition for the most commonly used pig terms
Simulator that calculates the amount of drug to add to the water when using a flow dispenser.
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Pig Prices by countries. Pork production and trade. News of the pig market and the raw materials
The latest slaughter pig prices in the most important pig markets. Check the evolution of the historical prices in charts and in several currencies.
Latest quotations for the main commodities used in pig feed. Historical graphs with the pig price and estimated feed price.
Figures & trends in pig numbers, pork production and pork trade.
Global production and trade data for the most important raw materials
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Articles on nutrition and pig feeding, characteristics of raw materials and additives for pig feed. Prices of raw materials
Latest quotations for the main commodities used in pig feed. Historical graphs with the pig price and estimated feed price.
Technical sheets of the main raw materials and additives used in swine feed. They include a comparison of nutritional values from various sources, product
Global production and trade data for the most important raw materials
Definition for the most commonly used pig terms
Use this tool to diagnose problems with the feed conversion ratio. Click on the flowchart or on the buttons within the text to navigate through the different parts of the tool.
A biweekly newsletter with the latest developments in swine nutrition
Articles on genetics and pig reproduction: genetic improvement, genomics, artificial insemination, use of hormones
Compare production data, calculate the number of sow, nursery, and finishing spaces, and visualize your tasks on the work schedule by type of BMS.
Tool that allows you to calculate the replacement rate in your farm
Definition for the most commonly used pig terms
Use this tool to find out why your farrowing rate is less than ideal. Click on the flowchart or on the buttons found within the text to navigate through the different parts of the tool.
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Management, pig farm management, work planning in each production stage: management in gestation, grow finish, batch farrowing
Compare production data, calculate the number of sow, nursery, and finishing spaces, and visualize your tasks on the work schedule by type of BMS.
Tool that allows you to calculate the replacement rate in your farm
Definition for the most commonly used pig terms
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Design of facilities and equipment for pig farms: building design, climate control, feeding systems, etc.
Biocheck.UGent is an independent, risk-based, scientific scoring system for assessing the quality of your on-farm biosecurity.
Environmental Footprint Calculator along the pork value chain.
Definition for the most commonly used pig terms
Simulator that calculates the amount of drug to add to the water when using a flow dispenser.
Use this tool to explore which slurry management strategy best fits your situation. Click on the flow chart or on the buttons within the text to navigate through the different parts of the tool.
Weekly newsletter with all the updates
This proposal to revise EU rules on the information provided to consumers is part of the EU’s ‘farm-to-fork’ strategy.
The ballot initiative will ban the sale of pork from hogs born to sows housed in pens that don’t comply with Massachusetts’ new standards.
Global pig meat production in 2021 is forecast to exceed the 2018 level, but trade is to remain stable.
On January 1, 2022, the decree prohibiting the castration of piglets without anesthesia will come into force.
Starting next year, China's import tariffs for pork will return to their previously higher levels.
The Czech Republic informed the Commission about the challenges facing the pigmeat sector in Europe.
October pork exports were below last year’s large total but year-to-date shipments remained slightly above the record pace of 2020.
Meat markets will be influenced by sustainability, societal and health concerns over the coming decade, according to the EU agricultural outlook 2021-31.
EU One Health report: drop in reported zoonotic diseases in humans and foodborne outbreaks in 2020.
Online manual contains practical information for pork processors and producers.
Argentina and the European Union integrate their systems for issuing health certificates with electronic signatures for exports of animal products and by-products.
EU pork exports during September decreased by 26% compared to the same month of the previous year and by 9.4% compared to August.
The fourth consecutive monthly rise in the value of the FFPI, putting the index at its highest level since June 2011.
Pig slaughter in Portugal during the first nine months of 2021 grew by 1.2% compared to the same period of the previous year.
ANETIF has signed a memorandum of understanding with the CMA to bring together meat companies from both countries.
September and October have seen reductions of more than 40% in Chinese pork imports compared to the same period of the previous year.