Will China and Germany resume pork trade?
During a bilateral meeting, China and Germany discussed agricultural issues including the effects of African swine fever on trade.
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During a bilateral meeting, China and Germany discussed agricultural issues including the effects of African swine fever on trade.
With more than 620,000 tons of pork exported in the first quarter, China accounted for 80% of the total.
Ten pig producer organizations in western France have joined together to form the AOP Porc Grand Ouest.
Rates of import duty on pork products reduced to address the impact of ASF on the country’s hog industry.
The resulting balance of trade for 2020 stood at a surplus of €62 billion, an increase of 3% compared to 2019.
The regulation will strengthen the reliability and transparency of the scientific studies submitted to EFSA and reinforce the governance of the Authority to ensure its long-term sustainability.
Pork production in Mato Grosso do Sul grew between 2014 and 2020 at a rate well above the Brazilian average.
Overall, there were 1,191 or 0.32% of non-compliant samples out of the 368,594 targeted samples in 2019.
The price of pork continues to rise and Burset makes a prediction for June. It all seems to be good news for producers and slaughterhouses but the processing industry is in for a storm.
A summary of the Peruvian pork industry: current pork consumption, pig production, and market opportunities.
Commission launches consultation on future plans to ensure food supply and security in times of crisis.
U.S. pork exports opened 2021 below the large volumes posted a year ago, according to January data released by USDA and compiled by the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF).
The temporary suspension will allow some EU agri-food exports to the U.S. to begin to recover, including pork.
Through intensive negotiations, the Federal Ministry has succeeded in getting some third countries to accept regionalization.
In 20 years, the EU has gone from exporting just over 58,000 tonnes to China to over 3 million tonnes, a 5,400% increase.