Page 58 of articles about meat
Panama to boost pork exports to China
Slight decline in EU meat consumption
According to EU agricultural outlook 2019-30, meat consumption per capita in the EU has so far been on an upward trend.
ASF will continue to affect the global pigmeat market
The African swine fever outbreak in Asia will continue to affect the global meat market and trade flows, according to European Union agricultural outlook for 2019-30 report.
HKScan to introduce a new Group-wide operating model
World food prices jump: Meat and vegetable oils lead FAO Food Price Index upwards
The EU increases its pork exports to China by 50%.
Peru negotiates pork exports with China
Give rapid support to food producers penalised by Airbus ruling
Argentina exports value-added pork to China
CPF granted SET “Highly Commended” Award, maintaining its place in THSI Index
CPF wins "Highly Commended in Sustainability Award" affirming the company's success in food Safety, self-sufficient society, and balance of nature.
Topigs Norsvin taste panel brings consumer preferences to breeding
Meat-eating quality is becoming more important. It is a differentiator for processors and retailers to set themselves apart in the market. The taste panel of Topigs Norsvin helps customers. It shows that Topigs Norsvin is committed to the final product: Tasty pork.