Page 2 of articles about milk in Articles

Importancia del suministro energético en la supervivencia del lechón

Importance of energy supply for piglet survival

We have seen the importance of obtaining a sufficient dose of quality colostrum to generate the newborn’s defenses as well as the conflict that this can suppose when we level the litters after birth. Now lets take a look at the importance of rapidly obtaining colostrum and milk to ensure energy supply and minimize temperature loss.

Ketosis syndrome in sows

It’s true that we have rarely considered the sow as a dairy animal. A sow can produce up to 10 liters of milk at its production peak. If we consider that the effort the sow makes per hour in order to produce milk is almost equal to that of a cow, why do we continue to apply a collective treatment when it comes to feeding the sow?

Use of Oligosaccharides in Swine Nutrition

Our research model has been a short chain fructooligosaccharide (scFOS) fed to swine. This compound was selected because it was identified in human and swine milk, was shown to have health benefits in human infants and patients recovering from intestinal anastomosis. The health benefit was believed to occur via the trophic effect of scFOS on the Bifidobacteria population.