Page 3 of articles about milk
Supplementing water to lactating sows
There are different systems for carrying out this water delivery. Probably, the most common one is with a hose, but sometimes, the sows' troughs are not facing the corridor but the wall.
Maternal perinatal transfer of vitamins and trace elements from sows to piglets: more than an iron deficit?
Effect of restricted movement of the piglets (cross fostering) on the weight at weaning in intensive pig production farm
Suckling effects in sows: importance for mammary development and productivity
Natural vitamin E (d-α-tocopherol) supplementation in drinking water prevents oxidative stress in weaned piglets
Maternal conditions during gestation may affect milk fat composition and offspring growth
Corn DDGS in sow diets: Effects on sow and litter performance
Glutamine and glutamate supplementation raise milk glutamine concentrations in lactating gilts
Transfers of piglets until the 3rd-4th day after their birth (II)
How to make that the sows start their lactation with the maximum number of viable piglets.
Transfers of piglets until the 3rd-4th day after their birth
When there are not enough teats, the strongest piglet always occupies the place of the weak one, that is left without milk to suckle.
Bovine calostrum is superior to enriched formulas in stimulating intestinal function in preterm pigs
Non-use of a teat in first lactation will lower its milk yield in second lactation
These findings provide useful information that will assist swine producers in deciding whether or not to reduce litter size in first-parity sows.
Effects of folic acid on the performance of suckling piglets and sows during lactation
Oleate metabolism in pig enterocytes
How do we level litters after delivery? (II) To count or not to count teats, that is the question
In the previous chapter we saw how level litters by size. Now we will see how to do it by number.