Page 4 of articles about milk
How do we level litters after delivery? (II) To count or not to count teats, that is the question
In the previous chapter we saw how level litters by size. Now we will see how to do it by number.
Energy intake and daily gain of weaned piglets fed milk after weaning
When should we level out litters?
With the high prolificacy of sows nowadays, leveling out litters is one of the most hands-on jobs on the farms of today. It is one of the first steps to start lactation successfully.
Importance of energy supply for piglet survival
We have seen the importance of obtaining a sufficient dose of quality colostrum to generate the newborn’s defenses as well as the conflict that this can suppose when we level the litters after birth. Now lets take a look at the importance of rapidly obtaining colostrum and milk to ensure energy supply and minimize temperature loss.
The dilemma of fostering on the first day of life
The ingestion of Ig in sufficient quantity is the first priority. So much so that it even comes before the factor that seems most important: the feed supply.
Folic acid affects performance of suckling piglets and sows during lactation
Milk production and nutritional requirements of modern sows (II)
In addition to amino acid intake, proper energy intake is essential for maximizing milk production in sows. Both the amount of and type of energy can influence milk production.
Milk production and nutritional requirements of modern sows (I)
Many sow farms have been increasing total born and weaning large litters with heavier pigs. With litter size continuing to improve and lactation length increasing to around 21 days, the demand for milk production must continue to increase to meet the increasing demand of heavier pigs.
Foundations for optimizing lactation
The milk production of sows is one of the parameters that has evolved the most over the last several decades.