Page 4 of articles about news in About 333
9 things that you may not know about 333: following other users
In any social network, following and being followed is one of the most important aspects: How do we do it at 333?
9 things that (perhaps) you don’t know about 333: you are part of 333’s Social Network
If you are reading this, it’s because you’re interested in pig production, just as the >68K users of 333. 333’s network allows you to interact with them.
Pig price in Colombia
We’ve got good news for our users interested in the pig prices in Colombia. As of today, we’ve expanded the prices section with this market.
9 things that (perhaps) you don’t know about 333: we've got an App
The first article of this series of 9 provides news that’s maybe unknown to you: We’ve got an App!
New section on swine immunology
Understanding immunology is key to fighting swine diseases.
Carmen Cía joins 333
We are very pleased to announce the addition of Carmen Cía to the 333 team.
What a change!
We have changed the design of all the webpage to make it more modern and more mobile-friendly. There are also important changes in the 333 social network. Discover them!
New prices in pig333: Romania, Russia and Mexico
We know that you show great interest in knowing international pig prices. This summer we have added three new countries: Romania, Russia and Mexico.
Do you know our new Pig glossary?
Have you ever had doubts when reading an article in pig333? Do you know our new Pig glossary?
New section on pig reproduction
In this new pig333's section, several international experts write articles on pig reproduction.
Here is the winner of the 50,000 users mark raffle!
This year we have beaten the 50,000 users mark, and to celebrate it we raffled an iPad Air2 among the users whose profiles were complete. The winner has been Oana Nenu, from Romania.
50,000 registered users!
We have just exceeded 50,000 registered users and we want to celebrate it by raffling an iPad Air2 among those of you whose profile is updated.
Online Livestock Supplies
We're pleased to offer a new service in pig333, an online livestock supplies store.
We present 333’s social network
We have already been for 17 years in this webpage, and now there are more than 47,000 professionals registered at 333. It is about time to meet each other, isn’t it? That is why are very thrilled to present you our own social network.