Page 6 of articles about news in About 333
Thank you everybody: We have reached 30,000 registered users!!
When it is almost its 15th anniversary, 333 has reached 30,000 registered users during this last weekend.
See you at the IPVS!
Will you go to the IPVS in Jeju, Korea? Then look for these two guys, scan their QR code and participate in the draw of a copy of "Diseases of Swine".
New section: Farm data analysis
In these articles, coordinated by PigChamp, we analyze the data collected at the farm in order to suggest changes for increasing the production efficiency.
New developments and design changes for user accounts
Are you a pig333 user? Congratulations, you're in luck! With the new page layout we have improved the subscription and account management system.
New Section: Tips on pigs
In this section, farmers and veterinarians give us practical tips on pig production, simple ideas based on their daily experience, that they have implemented on their farms and aim to facilitate work or improve the performance of farms.
New Section: Salmonella
In this new section we try to give an overview of how each link in the chaincan contribute to reducing Salmonella in pigs.
3tre3 launches in Italy
New tool on, a water medication calculator presents a new section: water medication calculator. This tool calculates the quantity of medicine to incorporate in water when using a flow dispenser.
We have our iPad winner!
Pig333 is now on Twitter
We have improved the markets and prices section, one of the most important of
In order to really take advantage of all the price information, we have developed some interactive graphics that allow you to visualize prices in various currencies. We use real time currency exchange rates for each market. It is also possible to convert between different units (kg, pounds, cwt or 100 kg). At the same time you can see several correlative years represented in order to see trends or “overlaps”, in order to see the difference between years.