Page 183 of articles about news in Press releases

Animal science graduate student receives national award

“The objective of her current research project is to determine the economic value of genomic selection for swine genetic companies,” he said. “And she’s already worked on using the litters per sow per year figure to reduce non-productive days of a sow in a breeding herd. Results will help producers make better decisions with their sow herds.”

Danish Crown adjusts capacity

At an extraordinary meeting on Thursday evening, the Pork Producer Committee in Danish Crown has recommended that the slaughterhouse in Esbjerg be closed at the end of August this year.

High-tech info and low-tech grub

Farmex personnel will be on hand — on Stand No 67 Hall 2 — to explain, in simple language, how their “smart pig farming” projects will give projected improvements in productivity of up to 30 per cent.

HIPRA present in the IPVS 2012 in Korea

Within the official conference program HIPRA will present its Satellite Symposium "PRRSpectives” which will be a review on the PRRS virus and the disease from several points of view and will feature speakers from different continents.