Page 190 of articles about news in Press releases

New training manuals for improving small-scale pig production: With lessons from northeastern India

A new set of training manuals for pig farmers is now available. The manuals inform poor rural pig farmers in developing countries how to ‘intensify’ their production, using lessons gathered from a research-for-development project in India. Among other recommendations, the manuals offer ways of improving smallholder pig farming, including basic veterinary care, and pork production and marketing.

Pig grading system wins OFC/RASE Practice with Science Award

The winner of the 2012 Oxford Farming Conference (OFC)/ Royal Agricultural Society of England (RASE) Practice with Science Award sponsored by AB Agri, has been won by PiGIS, a pig grading information system established in Northern Ireland (NI) by the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) and CAFRE.

Solid investment in strawed pens

With confidence returning to the Scottish pig industry, an Aberdeenshire pig farmer has invested £50,000 in new solid-floored straw-based finishing house to produce 1,000 plus pigs a year at Kingshornie, Inverbervie.

Testing females to improve accuracy

With high-priced feed accounting for the major cost of production, it is important to test the females in all lines, as well as the males, since they contribute 50 per cent of the genetics to the next generation.