Page 192 of articles about news in Press releases

TOPIGS imports top genetics into China

TOPIGS has successfully imported 1003 top breeding pigs to China. These animals originate from TOPIGS nucleus farms in Canada. The great grandparent pigs are the top of the TOPIGS breeding pyramid and have the highest SPF health status.

Kathryn Adams appointed to Pork CRC board

Agricultural scientist and lawyer, Kathryn Adams, has been appointed as an Independent Director to the Board of the CRC for High Integrity Australian Pork, replacing Nigel Smith who retired after serving for a total of four years on the boards of this CRC and its predecessor, the CRC for an Internationally Competitive Pork Industry.

Benefits from recording feed conversion

“Efficient feed conversion is the most important economic trait in pig production yet, as an industry, we are quite poor at measuring it,” Ed Sutcliffe, geneticist and technical director of pig-breeding company ACMC told a meeting of Northamptonshire Quality Pig Producers’ Association at Moulton College, near Northampton.

Technology transfer manager joins Prairie Swine Centre

Lee Whittington, President of Prairie Swine Centre, is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Kenneth Engele to the management team. Meeting the needs of pork producers, service sectors, and industry associations through the delivery of a timely and effective Technology Transfer program has been a crucial part of Prairie Swine Centre’s success.