Page 198 of articles about news in Press releases

ACMC: Third World pig prices higher than UK?s

Poor ‘Third World’ countries are prepared to pay more for their pork than British retailers. In Cambodia – where Yorkshire-based pig-breeding company, ACMC Ltd, is doing business – the farm-gate price paid for pigs is currently equivalent to £2.47 per kg deadweight. This compares with the UK price of just £1.51 per kg.

Improved balanced breeding: Better piglets and stronger sows

Using new insights, the balanced breeding of TOPIGS can be improved even further still. Researcher Rob Bergsma from TOPIGS recently gained his doctorate from Wageningen University for his research on this theme. He investigated the factors that affect piglet production and the genetic mechanisms underlying these.

Boehringer Ingelheim satellite symposium highlights PCV2 landmarks

An important anniversary in the history of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) has been marked at a special international pig veterinary satellite symposium held in Barcelona, Spain in June 2011 as part of the 6th International Symposium on Emerging and Re-emerging Pig Diseases. In 2011, this meeting heard, it is 15 years since the name PMWS was first proposed by Canadian investigators Ted Clark and John Harding for the novel wasting disease of growing pigs that they were observing in herds in Western Canada

New board for new Pork CRC

Ensuring Australian pork is a high integrity meat that is welfare optimal, environmentally responsible, safe and nutritious is the focus of the CRC for High Integrity Australian Pork.

Cargill opens new animal feed facility in Efremov, Russia

Cargill has opened a new animal feed facility in Efremov, Russia. The facility has the capacity to produce 50,000 tonnes of swine and poultry feed products and will operate under the LNB® brand in Russia. The new operation forms part of Cargill’s industrial complex in Efremov, some 330 km south of Moscow.

BacuCheck ELISA test checks PORCILIS PCV vaccination compliance

Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health has introduced BacuCheck™, a simple ELISA test for confirmation of vaccination status with PORCILIS® PCV of piglets against porcine circovirus type 2. The announcement was made today during a dedicated symposium at the 6th International Symposium on Emerging and Re-emerging Pig Diseases that currently takes place in Barcelona (Spain).