Page 199 of articles about news in Press releases

Getting ventilation right

Despite huge advances in technology in the last 15 years, stockmen and women still have the most influence in determining the success or failure of ventilation systems in piggeries, Hugh Crabtree, managing director of Berkshire-based Farmex told a meeting of the Pig Veterinary Society at Newcastle Upon Tyne.

JSR signs key German contract

JSR, one of the world’s leading pig genetics businesses, has made further strides in Europe by signing a key distribution contract with Premium Pork Farms GmbH, based in Neuenkirchen, Westphalia, Germany’s prime pig production area.

Pfizer: Awards for top East Anglian Pig Co producers

An urgently needed increase in the retail price of pork would make a major difference in sustaining the UK pig industry, said Jim Burling, pig production manager of East Anglian Pig Co, at its second annual awards evening at Diss, Norfolk. Mr Burling said that a rise of around five per cent in retail selling prices was needed to counter the impact of record high feed prices and to halt pig producers sending their breeding stock to slaughter.

IPIC: Lauren Christian Pork Chop Open Planned for July 19

The 2011 Lauren Christian Pork Chop Open will be held July 19 at Veenker Memorial Golf Course in Ames. This annual event benefits the Lauren L. Christian Endowment, which provides financial support for outstanding undergraduate and graduate students and continued swine and pork educational opportunities through Iowa State University (ISU).

DuPont successfully completes tender offer for Danisco

DuPont, through its wholly owned subsidiary DuPont Denmark Holding ApS, announced yesterday that it has successfully completed its tender offer for all outstanding shares of common stock of Danisco for DKK 700 cash per share. The tender offer expired on May 13, 2011, at 11 p.m. CEST (5 p.m. EDT).

Pfizer launches new producer program for early identification of sick pigs

Pigs respond better to treatment when they are treated earlier, and a new program from Pfizer provides training and tools to Canadian swine producers for identifying sick pigs. The ABC Pig training program – offered exclusively through veterinarians – provides a simple system to identify and quantify pigs in acute, subacute and chronic stages of disease.