Page 212 of articles about news in Press releases

Danish Crown: Unwillingness to negotiate leads to job losses

The Confederation of Danish Industry and the Food Workers’ Union NNF did not succeed in reaching a new collective agreement following their meetings with the Public Conciliator, Asbjørn Jensen. Throughout the bargaining procedure, the parties were too far apart, and this is now costing Danish jobs.

Berkshire a triticale treat for pigs

To encourage the 2010 growing of Berkshire, the new high yielding triticale, meetings of triticale growers, agronomists, pork producers and feed mills were recently hosted by Australia’s Pork Cooperative Research Centre (CRC), co-developer of the variety with The University of Sydney and the Grains Research and Development Corporation.

HIPRA Philippines Amervac® - PRRS day II

HIPRA PHILIPPINES INC. celebrated l its AMERVAC®PRRS DAY II with the theme “High Protection for High Productivity and High Profitability". The event was composed of interesting topics from HIPRA’S own foreign as well as local technical experts in pig diseases and production.

SKOV expands in Asia

The Danish producer of climate and production control, SKOV A/S, has experienced a heavy increase of turnover on the Asian markets during the past few years.