Page 215 of articles about news in Press releases

Appointment in SKOV Asia Ltd.

Joergen Moeller Andersen (46) has been appointed Climate and Production Specialist of SKOV Asia Ltd. with responsibility for project sales of SKOV systems for customers in the entire region.

Perstorp strengthens European sales team

In April Perstorp appointed two new sales managers for feed additives. Both sales managers will be active in Europe: Mr. Christophe Michaut will be responsible for France, Dr. Peter Papocsi for Central and Eastern Europe.

Novus International, Inc. Acquires IQF-ENAMEX

Novus International, Inc. announced today that it has acquired IQF-ENAMEX and its sister company, Operadora ENAMEX, both based in Córdoba, Mexico from Grupo Porres and other shareholders. IQF- ENAMEX produces feed carotenoid pigments, mineral and vitamin premixes, anti-caking agents and mold inhibitors.

JSR: Lifetime sow performance - a key indicator of profit

Pigs per sow per year and numbers weaned have always been the main performance criteria adopted by pig producers to judge the success of their business. Both are useful indicators, indeed JSR have a commercial target of 25 pigs per sow per year, but it is important that producers keep an open mind on how they can measure unit efficiency and productivity.

JSR to build New Nucleus in China

JSR Genetics, the UK-based international pig breeding company, has agreed a joint venture to build and stock a state of the art Nucleus on a Greenfield site in China. The 900 sow Nucleus will be located in the Hubei province of China and is expected to be complete in December 2010. The deal, which includes the shipment of both dam lines and sire lines, reinforces JSR’s commitment to investing in Nucleus facilities within the target market.