Page 224 of articles about news in Press releases

Pork CRC: Award winning pig egg cells

Vital research to reduce seasonal infertility, an ongoing problem for Australia’s pig industry, has been rewarded with a 2009 Science and Innovation Award for Michael Bertoldo, a Pork CRC supported PhD student at The University of Sydney.

Animal Welfare Conference:

On 8-9 October, some hundred researchers and experts in the field of animal health from the EU and other countries gathered in Uppsala, north of Stockholm. The conference marks the conclusion of the Welfare Quality Project that has engaged researchers in the work on animal welfare for over five years.

Pork CRC makes pig's breakfast of award

Feeding pigs has sometimes been a fairly hit-and-miss affair, but award-winning new technology developed with Pork CRC support aims to bring precision livestock farming technology to piggeries across Australia and make pig feeding less of a pig’s breakfast.

First European Protocols for assessing Farm Animal Welfare published

Assessment systems to evaluate the quality of animal welfare on farms or at slaughter, have been developed by researchers of the European research project Welfare Quality®. These systems for 7 livestock species are founded upon animal-based measures. The systems combine a science-based methodology for assessing farm animal welfare with a standardised way of integrating this information to assign farms and slaughterhouses to one of four categories (from poor to excellent animal welfare).

Danish Crown: Checked and approved by Mr Shimojo

It’s almost 10 o’clock on a Wednesday morning. In the operations manager’s office on the first floor, Jørn Kjær is getting ready for the day’s visit. The checklists have been prepared, and Jørn glances out of the window at the open area in front of the slaughterhouse.

Maple Leaf Foods Unveils State-of-the-Art Food Innovation Centre

Maple Leaf Foods today revealed its ThinkFOOD! Centre, a state-of-the-art culinary innovation facility and the only one of its kind in Canada. It offers an unprecedented and holistic approach to creative thinking and collaboration to facilitate accelerated innovation and growth across Maple Leaf's global bakery and protein businesses.

Allen D. Leman Science in Practice Award Honoring Laura Batista

Laura Batista graduated from the Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia (FMVZ) de la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) in 1984. Her career, which to date has spanned more than 25 years, specializes in diseases and health management of swine with special interest in porcine reproductive and respiratory virus (PRRSV).