Page 229 of articles about news in Press releases

Cargill launches new pork line

Cargill announced the launch of a new pork line of variety meat cuts under its brand, Rumba®. The new Rumba pork products include ears, hocks, jowls, kidneys, neckbones, split front feet, stomach, tails, fatback skins, hearts and livers.

Never a better time to invest

“If investment in lowering unit costs, improving health and increasing the efficiency of pig production cannot be justified now, then it would be hard to see when it could be warranted in the future,” according to David Lee, senior partner of the Agribusiness Centre of Yorkshire Bank.

Drinking valve in kit form

Aqualevel drinking valves, which automatically maintain water levels in the troughs of suckling sows, are now available in kit form for farmers who wish to do the fitting themselves. The kit includes the plastic vacuum-operated diaphragm valve and a 1m length of stainless steel water-pipe.

New boar quality assurance scheme

Although AI now accounts for 75-80 per cent of pig services nationally, the boar is still a very important animal on most farms and is used extensively to provide cover for sows both naturally and artificially inseminated on the farm.

Growing visitor numbers despite worldwide recession at VIV Russia 2009

The fourth edition of VIV Russia took place from 26-28 May 2009 at the Crocus Exhibition Center in Moscow. Despite the deep recession, in which both the Russian livestock sector as the Russian economy is embedded (-5%), VIV Russia 2009 welcomed 6,335 visitors which is an increase of 14% in comparison to 2008. The number of foreign visitors increased from 25% to 30%.