Page 56 of articles about news in Press releases
Magapor launches iGreen, the first AI catheter with biodegradable tube
iGreen is a catheter for swine insemination made of biodegradable material.
EuroTier China 2020 unveils technical program and webinar series
IPVS2020: Submission deadline for abstracts extended
The new deadline for submitting scientific papers to IPVS2020 is June 15.
Stonehaven Consulting: Driving growth with transformacional technologies and trends
The animal care industry will continue working to drive growth over the next decade by leveraging transformational technologies and trends, according to a new report from Stonehaven Consulting and IHS Markit.
Anpario launches launches Orego-Stim TD
A unique combination of oregano essential oil (OEO) and dextrose for top dressing to sow daily rations can help improve lactation performance and piglet performance.
WELTEC BIOPOWER builds biogas plant for Greek abattoir
Efficient bioenergy generation from animal waste.
PigX Podcast launches to share information on pig survivability
PigX is a monthly podcast developed to share information from the national Improving Pig Survivability project with pork producers and other decision makers in the swine industry.
Evonik becomes exclusive distributor of ProPhorce™ SR 130 in Southern Africa
TechMix Hires Kelly Coulson
Kelly Coulson will support TechMix's sales and education in its domestic business unit.
Innov’Space 2020: still on the agenda
Innov’Space is a showcase for innovation and a real commercial asset. You can submit your application until July 17th, 2020.
Pirbright ASF vaccine protects pigs from developing severe disease
100 percent of pigs immunised with the new vaccine survived a lethal dose of ASF virus.
Osborne Industries: New feed flow control improves user experience
The all new Feed Flow Control for the company’s line of Big Wheel® Pig Feeders features an easy-to-read, numbered positioning system that is simple to adjust and set.
IPVS2020: Researchers will have new opportunity to submit abstracts
New deadline for sending abstracts to the IPVS2020 ends on May 30th.
Vion: Changes to supervisory board
Vion announces today that Martine Snels has joined its supervisory board.