Page 60 of articles about news in Press releases
COVID-19: Grains, feed partners call on the EU to avoid disruption of food and feed
Pirbright shows new Nipah vaccines create ‘impressive’ immune response
Two new potential vaccines against Nipah virus developed by the University of Parma generate a strong immune response in pigs, and could be the key to preventing this deadly, zoonotic disease.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) containment measures for your farm
Have you made a contingency plan for your farm?
AASV announces new officers and award recipients at annual meeting
During the American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV) 51st Annual Meeting, new officers of the association along with award winners were announced.
AASV awards scholarships and research grants to veterinarians
Students and veterinarians receive funding from the AASV and sponsors for their education and research projects.
Ceva returns to strong double-digit growth in 2019 and reveals plans to double sales by 2025
Consolidated sales of the Ceva Group reached more than €1.2 billion in 2019 as the company returned to strong double-digit growth (+14.6%).
AB Vista and partners present nine swine research papers at ASAS / ADSA Midwest Meeting 2020
AB Vista presented research findings about the effects of calcium, phosphorous, phytase, xylanase and xylo-oligosaccharides on swine performance.
Stonehaven Consulting announces new partner
Dr Juerg Baggenstoss, PhD, brings international experience to Stonehaven Consulting as a Consulting Partner in the company’s expanding global team.
Evonik declares force majeure for supply of ThreAMINO® due to Covid-19 outbreak
International Conference on Pig Survivability set for October 2020
The conference will feature presentations and panel discussions from industry leaders and scientific experts, bringing the sector together to reduce pig mortality in the U.S. by 1% yearly.
New role for Hysolv in the UK
Hysolv Ltd, will take over the sales and distribution of the hygiene products previously handled by Hysolv Animal Health UK Ltd.
Copa and Cogeca launch the Innovation awards for women farmers and agri cooperatives
CPF to take 20% stake in Tesco
Animine: Impact of copper in piglet feeds presented at JRP
The 52th Swine Research Days (JRP) were held in Paris last February 4-5. Two communications from Animine have contributed to the current debate about copper in piglets’ feeds.