Page 27 of articles about events
Animal Healthcare Market will exceed $36bn by 2024
Increasing demand for animal source protein and animal healthcare products will escalate over the forecast years. With global population expanding at an alarming rate, the demand for animal source protein and animal healthcare products will only increase, resulting to more animal farming over the forecast timeframe.
LIVISTO was present at AGRO 2018
The first week of June, the 30th edition of AGRO was held in Kiev. The exhibit is specialized in all kind of products and tools for agriculture and farming.
The Allen D. Leman Swine Conference introduces the Morrison Swine Innovator Prize for DVM students
The Morrison Swine Innovator Prize honors the legacy of Dr. Bob Morrison by inspiring DVM students to pursue work that matters for the swine industry and in doing so, to follow his mantra of “Learn. Teach. Have fun.”
IPVS Congress 2018 opens in Chongqing, China
With the theme of ‘Healthy Pig, Safe Pork’, the 25th International Pig Veterinary Society (IPVS) Congress kicked off on June 11, 2018 in Chongqing Yuelai International Convention Center. It is a debut show for the Congress in China since its foundation in 1969 by the IPVS.
Global winners of Alltech Young Scientist program
Announcement made during exciting exploration of ideas and innovation at ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference (ONE18).
ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference 2018
More than 3,600 attendees from 76 countries convened at ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference in Lexington, Kentucky, from May 20–22 to explore innovative ideas in science, agriculture and business.
Agromek 2018 with new solutions for the future
The largest combined agricultural exhibition in Northern Europe takes place in Herning, Denmark. Among many innovations the exhibition will also focus on digital solution for farming of the future.
Trending topics and tasty BBQ on the menu for Iowa Swine Day
Dr. Rebecca Robbins to Receive 2018 Allen D. Leman Science in Practice Award
The 2018 award recognizes Robbins’ service on Seaboard Foods’ research and development team, which coordinates an average of 45 studies annually.
4th Animine Asian Distributors Meeting in Bangkok
This workshop was an opportunity for the participants to exchange about the latest experimental results and applications of HiZox® and CoRouge®.
World Pork Expo’s seminars present the latest pork production ideas and insights
Visitors may choose from 20 free seminars on June 6-7 at the 2018 World Pork Expo.
Pork Expo Africa 2018
Africa’s pork consumption is growing, but is not yet as high as the global average. However, the growing demand for pork on the continent presents unique business opportunities along the pig value chain.
Great success of Magapor's ITM International Meeting
With the presence of Joaquin Olona, Agriculture Counselor of the Government of Aragon, the ITM Meeting that Magapor organizes every year started on the 25th of April.
ESPHM 2018
From 9 to 11 May 2018 the 10th European Symposium of Porcine Health Management (ESPHM) took place in Barcelona, Spain.