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USA: PRRS costs industry $641 million annually

A new study, underwritten by the Pork Checkoff and conducted by Iowa State University, estimates that porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) continues to be a major drag on the U.S. pork industry.

EFSA: factors associated with Salmonella pen positivity

A European Union-wide baseline survey on Salmonella in holdings with breeding pigs was carried out in 2008. Now EFSA publishes the results from analyses of the associations of 19 pen- or holding- level factors and Salmonella positivity of pens in holdings with breeding pigs. Also the results from correlation analyses between Salmonella prevalence in breeding and in production holdings, from analyses of the Salmonella serovar distribution across the European Union, and from analyses of an additional within-holding prevalence study carried out by five Member States are also presented.