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European Union - Different options for replacing the current EU rules for co-financing of animal emergency measures

In this report the results of the investigation regarding the different options for replacing the current EU rules for co-financing of emergency measures are described. Five different policy options are evaluated and the economic impact, likelihood, timescale, magnitude of direct and consequential/indirect costs and monetization of impacts are assessed. Special emphasis is given on the feasibility of an EU harmonized framework for a Cost and Responsibility Sharing Schemes (CRSS).

USA - Grants extended to improve animal welfare

Animal Welfare Approved (AWA) has announced a call for proposals for its 2011-2012 Good Husbandry Grants. The Good Husbandry Grants program has funded nearly 100 projects across the country to improve farm animal welfare.

G20 agrees measures to tackle high global food prices

Agriculture ministers from the G20 group of nations have agreed a series of measures they hope will reduce food price volatility and boost supplies. In a communique following a two day meeting in Paris ministers said they would adopt a new collective rapid response system to help calm any spikes in prices.

Ukraine - Meat production to grow by 3-4% in 2011

A reduction in the profitability of the production of all types of meat, which is expected this year due to a significant rise in the price of feed, will trigger a slowdown in the pace of production growth and a further redistribution of the market.