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Denmark - Decrease in swine census

The latest data published by the Danish Statistics Service on the swine census during the second trimester of this year show a 2,25% decrease in the total number of swine with respect to the same period last year (11.932.000 animals as opposed to 12.208.000).

Chile – Increase in agroforestry GDP

The agroforestry sector grew by 15,8% alter falling by 0,4%in the fourth trimester of 2010. As far as subsectors are concerned, the GDP contributions are, on average, 20% agriculture (crops); 40%, fruit growing; 40% livestock and 20% forestry.

FAO - Higher agriculture commodity prices here to stay

The OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2011-2020 says that a good harvest in the coming months should push commodity prices down from the extreme levels seen earlier this year. However, the Outlook states that over the coming decade real prices for cereals could average as much as 20 percent higher and those for meats as much as 30 percent higher, compared to 2001-10. These projections are well below the peak price levels experienced in 2007-08 and again this year.

China - Rising pork prices prompt fear of inflation

3 yrs ago, rising pork prices helped push inflation to a record high. Now, many Chinese are fearful that they are experiencing deja vu, as the price of pork rises, and threatens to exacerbate inflation concerns that have affected the World's 2ndlargest economy.

Netherlands - LEI: More pigs more antibiotics

Pig farmers with big farms located in areas with many pigs use more than the average amount of antibiotics. Farms with pigs and other animals also tend to use more antibiotics than specialized pig farms. These are the research results of Ine van der Fels-Klerx of Rikilt. Together with LEI, she examined the business factors which influence antibiotics use.

United Kingdom - Free carcase checks from next month

For the first time, all English pig-keepers will be able to join the British Pig Health Scheme — now renamed the BPEX Pig Health Scheme — for free. Previously there has been an annual charge for the abattoir carcase-vetting regime.

United Kingdom - NPA warns of straw shortages

Arable farmers are being urged to bale all available straw this year, as the National Pig Association (NPA) warned of serious straw shortages for pig farmers. Pig-keepers are already paying record prices for straw and there are worries that there will not be enough to go round.

The Netherlands initiates a social dialogue on mega livestock complexes

The Dutch administration wants to maintain an open dialogue with society about the future of farming and in particular, about mega livestock complexes. The most important arguments in this discussion are animal wellbeing and public health risks. This social dialogue is focused on several fronts, being carried out through an online platform, where anyone can give their opinion, converse, or ask questions on a website created for this purpose, as well as through meetings.

European Union pork industry on threshold of changes

As global demand for pork rises, EU hog prices are failing to keep pace with the US, Canada and Brazil. A new Rabobank Industry Note examines two main questions: are EU price declines structural and, if so, how will this impact the EU pork industry in the coming years?