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Croatia - Pork market brief

Croatia is a large pork importer. In 2010, pork imports reached $128 million (43,200 MT), mostly from the EU and Chile. Currently, the US is a minor supplier to the Croatian market. As an EU-candidate country, pork exports to Croatia must meet EU standards.

Czech Republic - Pork continues as the most popular kind of meat

Chicken meat consumption had grown 13 times in the Czech Republic to 24.8 kilograms per person per year in 2009, beef consumption, in contrast, has been falling in the long run and pork consumption stagnates, but still pork is the most popular kind of meat, Zdenek Kobes of the Czech Statistical Office (CSU) said.

Peru – Increase in per capita pork consumption in Lima

Throughout 2010, the residents of the city of Lima consumed 4,062 kg of pork, registering a 60% increase in pork consumption with respect to 2000, when consumption was set at 2.526 kg per year per inhabitant, according to information from the Peruvian Minister of Agriculture (MINAG).

Germany - Record meat production in 2010

Total commercial meat production in Germany reached a record value of 8.0 million tonnes in 2010. As further reported by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), that is an increase of 302,000 tonnes or 3.9% on the previous year.

USA - Year-end export results confirm strong year for U.S. pork

December statistics released by USDA and compiled by the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF) confirm that pork export value posted the second-best year on record at $4.78 billion, falling just 2 percent short of the 2008 high and besting 2009 by more than 10 percent. Total volume was 1.918 million metric tons – an increase of 3 percent over the previous year.

Bulgaria – FMD: no change of the health status

Since the last outbreak (31 January 2011) no change of the health status has been observed. Teams of National Veterinary Services perform daily clinical examinations of the susceptible animals in the municipalities of Tsarevo, Malko Tarnovo, Sredets, Primorsko and Sozopol (Burgas region).

EU Commission welcomes European Parliament backing for free trade deal with South Korea

EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht, today welcomed the European Parliament's support for a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the European Union (EU) and South Korea. An overwhelming majority of MEPs voted for the deal (465 MEPs in favour) meaning that from 1st July 2011 businesses from both sides will be able to trade more freely and easily than ever before. This is the first time that the European Parliament has endorsed a trade agreement and adopted accompanying trade legislation under the Lisbon Treaty procedures.

European Union – Decrease in swine census

Surveys conducted in the months of May and June 2010 indicate a decrease in the EU – 27 swine population of 1% with respect to 2000, with a census that has gone from 151 million heads in 2009 to 150 million in 2010.

European Union - Commission proposes suspension of import duties on cereals for certain tariff quotas

Import duties on certain cereals imported into the EU will be suspended next week until the end of June 2011 in order to ease the pressure on the EU market, especially for animal feed. Backed by Member States this morning within the Management Committee, the move is intended to help maintain a good balance on the EU market. The suspension relates to existing tariff rate quotas for low & medium quality soft wheat and for feed barley, where the preferential tariffs of 12 €/tonne and 16 €/tonne respectively will be reduced to zero for the volumes permitted under the quota.