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USA - OLCSB swine committee recommends stall-free by 2025

After several hours of intense discussion and deliberation, the swine subcommittee for the Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board decided to remove an exemption in its recommendations, that would have allowed existing swine producers to expand their stall-based facilities beyond 2025.

FAO - Soaring food prices raise new crisis fears

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) last week warned that food prices for basic commodities hit record highs last month, fuelling fears of inflation, protectionism, unrest and reduced demand from emerging economies.

Russia – Decrease in pig population

According to the information provided by Russian State Statistics Committee as of December 1, 2010, the population of pigs totaled 18 million which is 1.6% (0.3 million) less compared with December 1, 2009.

Turkey - FMD situation assessment

In the last nine to ten months Turkey has reported over 1,100 outbreaks of FMD in all regions on the Asian (Anatolia) side of the country, many of them identified as FMD strain O.

France – COOL for pigmeat

An agreement signed by the French pig meat industry on 15th December stipulates that from now on for fresh meat and offal and before 31st March 2011 for processed products, the country of origin will appear on labels of fresh pig meat and offal and pig meat products.

European Union - EFSA assesses welfare risks to animals during transport

Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Animal Health and Welfare was asked to deliver a Scientific Opinion on the welfare of animals during transport. An ad hoc expert working group was established in response to the request which made use of the information provided by stakeholders during the Technical Meeting held on 13 October 2010. The scientific opinion on the welfare of animals during transport was adopted by the AHAW Panel on 2nd December 2010.