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USA/ Mexico - Progress on trucking dispute

U.S. refusal to allow Mexican trucks free access into the United States, as called for under the NAFTA, as well as a 2001 NAFTA dispute settlement ruling. The “concept paper” released by DOT on a phase in of Mexican trucking into the United States will open the door to quick progress and resolution of this dispute.

European Union - European Commission: Questions and answers about the dioxin incident in Germany

The incident started with the mixing of fatty acids, meant to be used for technical purposes (such as paper processing), with vegetable feed fat, which is used in the production of compound feed for animals. The fatty acids were contaminated with dioxins, and that is how the dioxins ended up in compound feed. The actual source of the dioxin contamination –i.e. why dioxins were present in the fatty acids– remains unknown for the time being.