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European Union - BfR, DTU and Anses enter into cooperation agreement

On 7 December 2010 the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), the French Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail (Anses) and the Food Institute of the Danish Tekniske Universitet (DTU) signed a cooperation agreement. The objective of the German-French-Danish cooperation is to render the joint activities in the field of food safety, also on the European level, even more effective and efficient than in the past.

United Kingdom - Real welfare indicators for pigs

BPEX and the University of Bristol are leading a major research project to develop a system of assessing pig welfare using welfare outcomes as indicators. Along with the current welfare ‘inputs’, such as stocking density and pen enrichment, producers will be able to demonstrate welfare from the pig’s perspective.

OIE - First Global Conference on Veterinary Legislation addressed several challenges posed by the improvement of national animal health and welfare systems worldwide

The first Global conference on Veterinary Legislation, organised by the OIE in Djerba, Tunisia from 7 to 9 of December was successful in highlighting the significance of veterinary legislation as a cornerstone of national veterinary good governance and infrastructures. Too many countries in the world - especially developing countries - lack updated veterinary legislation to address today's animal health and welfare challenges and those of the future.

USA - Senate passes food-safety bill

Sunday evening, the Senate approved the bill by unanimous consent, sending it to the House, where passage is expected. President Obama has said he would sign the legislation, which would give the government far-reaching authority to set and enforce safety standards for farmers and food processors.

European Union - 27 real agricultural income per worker up by 12.3%

EU27 real agricultural income per worker1 has increased by 12.3% in 2010, following a decrease of 10.7% in 2009, according to first estimates2 issued by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. This increase results from a rise in real agricultural income (+9.9%), together with a fall in agricultural labour input (-2.2%). These estimates for the EU27 are based on data supplied by the national authorities in the Member States.

USA - USA - USMEF offers branded products marketing

The USDA's Branded Products Promotion Program has had success in helping small companies gain entry and establish branded products in international markets. The U.S. Meat Export Federation administers the red meat portion of the program.

China focuses on raising veterinary standards

Several top veterinary schools and research institutes in the United States and the United Kingdom have joined Chinese government departments to form an organisation to advance veterinary education and practices in the country, according to an official source in China. The China Veterinary Collaboration will work closely with local organisations, academia and industry leaders to bring the country's veterinary standards up to world levels.