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Denmark - New centre for animal welfare

What is animal welfare to a pig, and what does science know about methods to measure animal welfare? Now, Danish research in animal welfare is gathered at a Danish Centre for Animal Welfare

Russia - Temporary restrictions on import of breeding animals from a number of Danish farms

In 2010 the Rosselkhoznadzor authorized import of 1360 breeding pigs from Denmark to the Belgorodskaya Oblast. The animals were imported in three consignments accompanied with phytosanitary certificates issued by the National Veterinary Service of Denmark according to which the animals were clinically healthy. 320 animals with lesions on legs and limp were detected in the course of the daily clinical examination in the quarantine period.

European Union – New catalogue of feed materials

Feed information will soon improve significantly, thus further empowering feed users, due to an innovative act of private-sector cooperation that resulted in a Commission proposal. The proposal was endorsed today by the Member States at the Standing Committee for on the Food Chain and Animal Health (SCoFCAH). The private sector worked voluntarily on an important update of the old list of feed materials (Catalogue), which contains less than 200 entries. The new Catalogue will include descriptions of 64 qualifying transformation processes of feed materials (currently only 17 processes, which are essentially used to treat feed, are listed) and almost 600 well-defined feed materials.

European Union - Commission outlines blueprint for forward-looking Common Agricultural Policy after 2013

The European Commission has published a Communication on "the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) towards 2020 – Meeting the food, natural resources and territorial challenges of the future". The reform aims at making the European agriculture sector more dynamic, competitive, and effective in responding to the Europe 2020 vision of stimulating sustainable growth, smart growth and inclusive growth. The paper outlines three options for further reform. Following discussion of these ideas, the Commission will present formal legislative proposals in mid-2011.

Germany - Abandonment of piglet castration is approaching

An abandonment of piglet castration is approaching. Specialists believe that rearing the entire population of young boars is the best way to permanently abandon the practice of castrating male piglets without anaesthesia right across the board. That is the main conclusion reached by the expert workshop "Abandonment of piglet castration – status and perspectives" held by the Fed-eral Ministry for Nutrition, Agriculture and Consumer Protection together with QS Qualität und Sicherheit GmbH on 11 November, 2010 in Berlin.

China´s feed industry realized 426.6 billion Rmb output

According to the report released by China Feed Industry Association in the Sixth Major Corporation Exchanging Meet, China's feed output in the year of 2009 has arrived up to 148 million tons from 2000's 74.29 million tons. Gross product was promoted from 158 billion yuan to 426.6 billion yuan.

Vietnam - The growing shortfall in Vietnam’s domestic supply of pork: Significance and policy implications

Following Vietnam’s market reforms, its domestic production and per capita consumption of pork have risen substantially. Vietnamese demand for pork has risen due to higher incomes, an increasing population and growing urbanization. Vietnam’s increased pork supply occurred because of an increase in its stock of pigs and greater pork yields, the relative importance of which has varied.