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Czech Republic - Moderate year-on-year decrease in meat production

In the 2nd quarter of 2010, 136 593 tonnes of meat were produced and 585 478 thousand litres of milk were purchased; i.e. a decrease in both meat production (by 3.4 %) and milk collection (by 2.4 %) y-o-y. The production declined in all of main kinds of meat: in beef, pig meat, and poultry (by 1.4 %, 4.6 %, and 2.3 %, respectively).

Chad - African swine fever

The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) received an immediate notification about an outbreak of classical swine fever in Chad.

World Meat - FAPRI 2010 Agricultural Outlook: Pork

Recovering from a 12% drop in 2009, pork trade grows by 2.8% (122 tmt) annually in the next decade, reaching 5.52 mmt in 2019. Pork production increases in the next decade at a rate of 1.9% (1.85 mmt), reaching 115.46 mmt in 2019.

Ukraine could cancel grain export quotas

Grain export quotas can be canceled once Ukraine has stocked adequate quantities of food and feed grain at the Agrarian Fund, the State Reserve and regional reserves, said Ukraine's Prime Minister Mykola Azarov.

United Kingdom - Industry calls on Defra to help curb TB in pigs

Pig industry leaders have asked Defra to work with them to develop a ‘sensible’ TB policy for pigs amid growing concern about current levels of disease in the species. In the past 18 months alone, 40 individual cases of bovine TB have been identified in pigs – the same number detected between 2002 and 2008.

Ireland - Positive prospects for Irish food & drink exports

"During the first five months of 2010, the value of exports was more than 8% higher than a year earlier at almost €3bn. The rate of recovery has accelerated as the year has progressed with exports in May some 23% ahead of the same month in 2009. Generally, the export prospects for the major product categories for the remainder of 2010 are more positive as better market prices, an improved exchange rate and a more stable economic picture across key markets underpin trade”, according to Bord Bia Chief Executive, Aidan Cotter.

USA - Ohio Livestock Standards Board proposes penalties

The Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board today passed a vote on proposed civil penalty rules that will be used to enforce newly created livestock care standards. Proposed civil penalty rules will be filed with the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review (JCARR) to begin the rule-making process.

Mongolia - MNT300 Million for FMD

As the spread of FMD still continued and the disease outbreak risk is still high, the Cabinet has decided to allocate MNT300 million for the purchase of 600,000 dozes of vaccine from Russia and for injection costs.

European Union - Numbers of pigs and goats have stabilised over the past decade

Cattle and sheep livestock numbers have fallen slightly over the past decade, while the numbers of pigs and goats have stabilised in the EU as a whole. From 2008 to 2009 the number of cattle, pigs and sheep in the EU decreased by 0.7 %, 1.0 % and 2.3 % respectively, while the number of goats increased by 16.1 % in Member States with a significant herd.