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U.S. meat exports to Chile increased over 500%

U.S. meat exports to Chile increased over 500% January to July 2010, in comparison with the same period in 2009. While the U.S. is far from being the main supplier of meat in Chile; mainly due to the distance and strong regional competitors in the area, such us Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil, U.S. meat producers are slowly capturing market share.

European Union - Stalls ban readiness

At the European Union pigmeat price forecasting group in Brussels, the NPA's Barney Kay asked for each member country to indicate its level of preparedness for the 2013 partial stalls ban.

European Union - Commission favours temporary suspension of animal cloning for food production in the EU

The European Commission has today announced that it will propose a temporary suspension of animal cloning for food production in the EU. The Commission also plans to suspend temporarily the use of cloned farm animals and the marketing of food from clones. All temporary measures will be reviewed after five years. The establishment of a traceability system for imports of reproductive materials for clones, such as semen and embryos of clones is also envisaged. The system will allow farmers and industry to set up database with the animals that would emerge from these reproductive materials.

USA - Ohio Livestock Care Board passes euthanasia standards

The Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board today unanimously voted to create new euthanasia livestock care standards--the first such set of standards created in the state's history. Proposed euthanasia rules will be filed with the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review (JCARR) to begin the rule making process.

USA - Annual foodborne illness averages down 15%: CDC

Foodborne illness outbreaks totaled 1,097 and caused 21,244 illnesses and 18 deaths in 2007, according to a recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report summarizing the epidemiological data for reported foodborne outbreaks in 2007 – the most recent year available.

Canada Agribusiness Report Q4 2010

Canada´s pork sector continues to struggle, with production having shrunk to its lowest levels since 2000/01. This has largely resulted from an industry goal of cutting production by 18% by 2014, with the government paying farmers to cease raising hogs. Exports have particularly suffered in the wake of the rising Canadian dollar and recent restrictions on pork imports into the US. Consequently, many pig farmers have gone out of business.

USA - Agriculture unites to enhance consumer trust

More than 20 national food and agriculture organizations yesterday announced the formation of the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA). The alliance will work to enhance U.S. consumer trust in the modern food production system that provides an abundance of affordable, safe food.

USA - EPA approves higher blend rate for ethanol in gasoline

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved higher blending rates for ethanol in gasoline for 2007 and newer vehicles, allowing mixtures with up to 15% of the corn-based fuel at the pump. The current maximum ethanol blend rate is 10%; a mid-level blend rate increase of 12% had been discussed in recent months.