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Japan will shortly apply to the OIE for recovery of status “Freedom from Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) without vaccination”

Since, on 6 October 2010, 3 months will have passed after the destruction of the last case, Japan will shortly apply to the OIE for recovery of status “Freedom from Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) without vaccination”, providing the dossier required to be evaluated by the Scientific Commission for Animal Disease (SCAD), in accordance with the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code.

Many pigs get MRSA infection in slaughterhouses

One in ten pigs gets the MRSA bacterium in livestock transport trucks, while sixty percent of pigs in slaughterhouses have the bacterium. Wageningen University veterinary researcher Els Broens finds this 'very disconcerting'.

United Kingdom - Pork sales still on the up

Pork is firmly fixed as a family favourite with sales continuing to rise according to the latest figures from BPEX. During August the total meat market rose by one per cent while sales of fresh pork saw a dramatic rise of 11 per cent.

Canada - Pork product exports up despite hog output decline

Exports of Canada`s pork products have managed to hold steady and even climb despite live hog output in the country continuing to decline. The ability to maintain exports of Canada's pork products also comes as domestic production of those products begins to decline.

Romania – Evolution of regional swine census

The latest data published by the Romanian Institute of Statistics referring to the evolution of the swine census in May 2010, with respect to May 2009, show increases in the Southeast region (1.3 percentage points), the Western region (0,9), Bucharest - Ilfov (0,4) and the Central region (0,1) and a decrease in the region of Muntenia Sud (-0,2), the Northwest region (-0,4), Southwest Oltenia (-0,8) and the Northeast region (-1,3).

Spain – Increase in pork exports

According to information from commercial exchanges within the livestock farmers sector, the exportations, both within the EU as well as in other countries, show an upward trend.

United Kingdom - New research project to tackle water pollution from agriculture

Farmers are getting involved in one of the largest studies of its kind to establish the best ways of halting water pollution from agriculture. They will develop an understanding of how pollutants move through river systems and will test up to 80 methods for reducing their impact. These include satellite technology (GPS) to ensure fertiliser is spread in the right places; better-designed farm yards to stop pollution draining into fields and rivers; and designing ditches and ponds to soak up substances.

European Union - Less oilseed

According to COCERAL oilseeds crop forecast, published on september, European Union-27 oilseed production has decreased this year from 29.27m tonnes to 27.739m tonnes, with the most significant drop seen in rapeseed production.