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FAO cuts wheat production forecast but considers supplies adequate

International wheat prices have jumped by over 50 percent since June. This rapid increase in prices is prompting concerns about a repeat of the crisis of 2007/08. But after two consecutive years of record crops, world inventories have been replenished sufficiently to cover the current anticipated production shortfall.

Germany– Increase in Biogas plants

According to the latest estimations from the Biogas Federation (FvB), during the last year the number of biogas plants increased considerably, so much so that there currently exists more than 5,000 fermenting warehouses with a potential that exceeds 2,000 megawatts (MW) installed on farms throughout the country.

USA - Family Farm Report, 2010: Most U.S. farms are family operations

Most U.S. farms—98 percent in 2007—are family operations, and even the largest farms are predominantly family run. Large-scale family farms and nonfamily farms account for 12 percent of U.S farms but 84 percent of the value of production. In contrast, small family farms make up most of the U.S. farm count but produce a modest share of farm output.

United Kingdom - Food Standards Agency to keep crucial safety role

Public confidence in food safety issues will be protected, as the Government confirmed its intention to retain the Food Standards Agency (FSA) with a renewed focus on food safety. The FSA in England will focus on its core remit of food safety policy and enforcement. The Department of Health will become responsible for nutrition policy in England, and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs will become responsible for Country of Origin Labelling, and various other non-safety-related food labelling and food composition policies in England.

Ireland - Teagasc propose changes to nitrates regulations

Teagasc has proposed twenty-one amendments to the Draft European Communities (Good Agricultural Practice for Protection of Waters) regulation 2010 as part of the consultation process to review the nitrates regulations. The detailed 120-page scientific document has been submitted to the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government and to the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.

European Union - Commission authorises six GM maize for food and feed uses

The European Commission adopted today five Decisions authorising GM maize 1507x59122, 59122x1507xNK603, MON88017xMON810, MON89034xNK603 and Bt11xGA21 and one Decision renewing the authorisation of Bt11 maize. These 6 decisions cover the authorisation for food and feed uses and import and processing but not for cultivation.