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Philippines - Extra income from meat processing for RIC Plaridel

Providing alternative livelihood to the rural communities to alleviate their living condition was the primary goal of the Department of Agriculture- Regional Field Unit 10 (DA-RFU 10) in collaboration with Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Training Institute (DA-ATI) Region 10 and Local Government Unit (LGU) of Plaridel.

United Kingdom - Yorkshire and Humberside health update

A total of 375 pig producers have been surveyed to date by veterinary surgeons as part of the Yorkshire and Humberside Health programme. Almost all have given their vets permission to record whether or not four important diseases are present on their units.

FAO - International prices of agricultural commodities drop

International prices of key food staples have dropped during the first five months of 2010 according to the latest edition of FAO's biannual Food Outlook report. Despite recent drops in international food prices, the cost of the average food basket is 69 percent higher than six years ago.

Netherlands – Increase in the purchases of ecological products

For every euro spent on alimentation, 2.3 cents are spent on ecological products, as is shown by data from the “biomonitor”, corresponding to 2009, that have just been published. The Dutch consumer spent a total of € 646.4 million last year on ecological products, while in 2008 the total was € 583 million.

Romania – Decrease in pig numbers

Based on the results of statistical survey on livestock and animal production in 2009, carried out by National Institute of Statistics, on December 1, 2009, as compared to the same date of 2008, cattle, pigs livestock and poultry registered falls, while sheep and goats livestock increased.

Thailand - Pig supply situation remains critical

The pig supply situation in Thailand remains worrisome as hot weather and lack of good-quality water continues to cripple production flow. Drought in many areas have caused pig farmers to secure water supply from external sources.